Who is your photographer?

My name is Suzanne;

I am 20 something years young. I am married to a committed military man and we live the military life. We have two beautiful babies, a boy and a girl. But our family does not stop there! We have 3 fur babies as well, a kitten, a great dane and a lab.

I love chocolate chip cookies and chocolate milk. I believe a glass a day is good for the heart and soul.

I love the snow and hate the heat (originally born and raised in the hot desert of Phoenix).

I love Disney movies and the fact that I have two young children gives me the perfect excuse to watch them all the time!

I am in love with mountains and tall grass.

When I am not editing, I feel like I've lost my mind.
I crave photography.
I have a passion for it that will blow your mind. I believe that no photographer can ever know too much and that there is ALWAYS room for growth.
All of the above make me the person that I am to this very day. They define my style, clean and simple. And if this is what you're looking for, I'm your photographer 

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